by mttamclt
by mttamclt

A fun and informative afternoon! Thank you, Susanne Sadler, architect and design activist, for challenging us to look at our homes differently. Attendees spanned 3 generations. All of us came away with a new perspective on where and how we live. We can bring more connection, delight, and safety as we age. Many things to think about!
Following Susanne’s interactive session, Mt Tam CLT Board member, Tim Barteau, an attorney who is a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, spoke about CLT tools such as Retained Life Estates. discounted sales and was surrounded by interesting and interested folks wanting to learn more! He discussed other ways to stay in your home and using your home or assets to ease the burden of staying in your home while being part of the solution to the affordable housing crisis. Home Match spoke about their program for pairing seniors with employees of local businesses.
Information and Inspiration for the many different attendees!