• We are always looking for passionate volunteers from within the community. You can also help through donations to help fund projects.

  • A Community Land Trust (CLT) is a nonprofit organization that acquires, holds, and stewards land and buildings for the long-term benefit of a community. CLTs typically offer affordable housing by selling or leasing homes while retaining ownership of the land, ensuring that the housing remains permanently affordable and accessible to low- and moderate-income community members.

  • Unlike many other affordable housing options, a CLT holds land and houses in perpetuity so the community will remain affordable in the long term.

  • Working individuals and families struggling to stay in their current residences due to skyrocketing prices. This encompasses a large number of people working within our community.

  • Yes. We will acquire land through donation and purchases, some pieces of land will have existing buildings that will lend themselves better to an affordable rental, and others toward ownership.

  • We are funded through grants, personal donations, and public funding.