Jack Noble
Jack Noble is an outreach ambassador for the Marin Environmental Housing Collaborative (MEHC) on the Housing for All Marin campaign, advocating for affordable housing by supporting state and local measures across Marin County pertaining to the housing crisis.
An experienced creative and technologist, Jack’s background includes leading web and mobile software development pipelines, working in interface, collateral, and brand design, and in illustration, in freelance and agency settings. Jack has also worked in environmental analysis technology, managing an ongoing company pivot into open-access impact planning tools. As a fine artist, Jack is interested in leveraging visual mediums to articulate and analyze social imperatives and historical conditions, most recently completing a large-scale public composition in the Nevada state capital, Carson City.
Educated in international development at King’s College London, Jack studied political economy, multidimensional poverty, and state service regimes. Now re-settled in his home town of Mill Valley, Jack is driven to participate in trans-local, interdisciplinary efforts towards an equitable, economically and socially just society through the axis of housing.