Saki Bailey

Saki Bailey


Saki Bailey is the Executive Director of the SFCLT. Saki has a decade of experience in non-profit management and program development roles, as well as, in facilitation, teaching and training. Saki holds a J.D. and a PhD in law and legal theory, her research focused on the legal regulation around CLTs, Co-op formation, and incorporation. Saki is a published author on real estate law, property law, community land trusts, and the commons with three books and several articles published by both academic and non-academics publishers and journals translated into multiple languages. Saki is also a licensed attorney and advocates for policies which advance community land trusts and other shared equity housing models. Prior to coming to SFCLT, Saki worked at Bay Area Community Land Trust (BACLT) where she developed experience in real estate acquisition and program management, and in that capacity worked to develop the City of Berkeley’s first pilot “Small Sites” project aimed at stopping displacement in smaller buildings between 5-25 units.